3 Key Ideas for Success for Business Leaders in 2014

1. If 20% of your revenue in 5 years time had to come from a product or service that didn’t currently exist, what would that be? This was a great question posed recently by experienced Mindshop facilitator, Russell Cummings to drive increased energy and innovation into organizations. A great way to trigger new thinking as part of your strategic planning activities for 2014.

ExpressDelivery2. Growth = Capability and Capacity. Many organizations focus ONLY on sales / marketing when seeking to grow their organization which is a logical path to take. However two aspects overlooked which can block a successful sales / marketing campaign is a lack of capacity to deliver on the new work that has been won or the capability to deliver a quality outcome that will hold customers over the long-term. So when going for growth in your organization ensure you first check whether you have the capacity and capability to achieve our growth targets. There is no point putting more business through an incapable system.

3. What would Apple do? While the cliché of Apple and Google examples of business best practice can sometimes wear thin on many leaders this question posed recently by innovation consultant Dr Amantha Imber got a lot of people thinking. Reflecting on your own products / services if you put yourselves in the shoes of a leading design team at ‘Apple’ who would they change about your product or service? A great way to challenge your team to think outside the box.

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